This page is a collection of resources I have found, or continue to find, useful in my journey to become a better engineer. One of the reasons I enjoy what I do is because I like to understand how things work and learning new things. I hope this never stops!
After reading (several times) “The Book”, I would recommend the following places to continue your learning journey:
exercism presents coding challenges and allows you to solve them using (a) a TDD style approach and (b) in a lot of different languages. Further than that, you are able to ask for mentoring and/or look at community solutions. Both of which I have found invaluable.
You can find my general strategy and solutions on GitHub and my profile on exercism.
rustlings provides a collection of challenges covering various aspects of the language. Helps you become more comfortable with compiler messages. You can find my solutions on GitHub.
CodeCrafters [NOTE: This is my referral link, for which I get 1-week free] challenges you to reimplement some of the software we use daily - HTTP server, shell, git, etc.
What I really enjoy about these challenges is they help you learn about the innards of real-world software. I take a balanced approach to solving these challenges - think like they could go into production, but balance that with time spent per step.
Check out my profile and my GitHub profile for my solutions (each challenge has it’s own repo).
jonhoo’s YouTube channel is a gold mine of valuable material. I would say this is definitely on the intermediate to advanced end, but Jon does well to make everything accessible. Of particular note is his Crust of Rust playlist.
Computer Science
- Core Dumped’s YouTube channel has some great material on lots of general computer science subjects from threads to how transistors run code. The presentation style really helps drive these principals home.